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Welcome to user error!
It's possible that one or two regular readers will have noticed that user error has not been updated for a year or so. This unfortunate oversight has been caused by Nigel going home with the stationary cupboard key. Nigel has now happily returned from his round-the-world trip and located the key which was in fact in his desk drawer. Regular updates can now continue - we thank you for your patience.
This month in user error...
..front page, I'm on the front page!!...
Amazing Animal Adventures
When Janet Stout killed her cat (accidentally) she didn't expect it to find it's way home - just like in that Disney film with the the cat and two dogs - 'Fantastic Voyage' - or was that the one with the miniature Raquel Welsh? Barnes Thimbleton reports. More...
mirror, thingy, wosname, maneouvre
Learn to drive the user error way!
...or buy a house, get a job, hire a car, find a better girl-friend, rent a horse, buy some golf clubs you'll never use, get some dodgy mags - user error proudly presents classified advertisements! More...
Makeover SOS in the Garden
user error jumps the bandwagon of Changing Rooms etc... to rescue Dr Lindsay Heatherstone's ghastly B&Q shed. Frankly it doesn't make for a very interesting front page, but trust us, once our top interweb design guru, Joshua Sandpit, gets a hold of it, awards will be flying our way and no mistake! More...
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